Would you like to have more patience, energy and clarity?
Would you like to feel more emotional balance and less stressed out ?
Would you like to strengthen the ongoing healing your body does for itself?
Experience what Your Inner Tranquility has to offer.
No one is you and that is your power!
At Your Inner Tranquility, we use Reiki, Sound and Vibrational Healing, Affirmations, Mantras, Crystals and Meditation to help you unlock the power of your inner wisdom.
Reiki and Vibrational Sound can realign your energy,
helping to calm your body, mind and spirit.
Affirmations, Mantras and Meditation go hand in hand with body, mind, spirit alignment.
By getting a body, mind, spirit tune-up, you will encourage your body to heal,
your mind to find clarity and your spirit to feel happy and whole.
I am looking forward to helping YOU, find just the right pathway toward Your Inner Tranquility.

No one is you and that is your power

Reiki with Carol has changed my life in so many positive ways. Her energy has helped me by providing clarity and a new perspective. She helped me change the way I thought about myself so that I could become the best and happiest version of myself. I am so grateful to have her in my life. She has grown to be a friend and I cannot thank her enough for all of the love, support and grounding that she has given me over the past year. Truly an amazing person with such a wonderful gift!
Sage L. New York, NY